Monday, December 20, 2010

In a Car Seat

This is a picture of Hamish sleeping in a car seat (courtesy of Graham R).

Butt In the Air Futon

This is a picture of Hamish sleeping with his butt in the air on a futon (courtesy of Clark D).

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Hamish Sleeping While Stretching

This is a picture of Hamish sleeping while stretching his hamstring (courtesy of Laura M.).

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Video of Hamish Sleeping

This is the video of Hamish sleeping that gave me the idea of making a blog of Hamish sleeping.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Magical Spotlight

This is a picture of Hamish sleeping with a spotlight magically on him (courtesy of J. Town).

Seattle Car Ride

This is a picture of Hamish sleeping during a car ride in Seattle (courtesy of J. Town).

Friday, July 9, 2010

On a Stair

This is a picture of Hamish sleeping on a stair. (Courtesy of Graham R.)

On the Floor From Above

This is a picture of Hamish sleeping on the floor from above. (Courtesy of Matt G.)

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Inexplicable Concrete Situation

This is a picture of Hamish sleeping on the concrete - everything else is inexplicable (Courtesy of Chris W).

Monday, July 5, 2010

Blueberry Iced in Chicago

This is a picture of Hamish sleeping in chicago with a blueberry ice waiting for him (courtesy of Joe E.)

Sunday, June 13, 2010

On a Football

This is a picture of Hamish sleeping on a football.

Arms Remote Phone Shoes Tummy

This is a picture of Hamish sleeping with silly arms, the remote and phone on his chest, his shoes on and a little of his tummy showing.

Pillow Hug

This is a picture of Hamish sleeping and hugging a pillow.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Golfing on the Subway

This is a picture of Hamish sleeping while golfing on the subway. He got a bogey.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Cross Legged Crotch Remote

This is a picture of Hamish sleeping cross legged with the remote on his crotch.

With The Remote

This is a picture of Hamish sleeping with the remote.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Hand in Pants

This is a picture of Hamish sleeping with a hand in his pants.

Furious on a Pool Toy

This is a picture of Hamish sleeping with a furious face on a floaty pool toy (Courtesy of Graham R.)

Monday, April 26, 2010

With a Girl

This is a picture of Hamish sleeping with a girl.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Mouth Open

These are pictures of Hamish sleeping with his mouth open then and now (then courtesy of Graham R.)

During Play Rehearsal

This is a picture of Hamish sleeping during play rehearsal (Courtesy of Graham R.)

Model Pose

This is a picture of Hamish sleeping in a model pose.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Little Hamish Sleeping

This is a picture of little Hamish sleeping. (Courtesy of Hamish's mommy)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

On a Cooler

This is a picture of Hamish sleeping on a cooler. Yes on a cooler. No he is not drunk (courtesy of Curtis L.)

Mardi Gras Nap

This is a picture of Hamish taking a nap during Mardi Gras (courtesy of Chris W.)

Watching a High School Basketball Game

This is a picture of Hamish sleeping on the bleachers while watching a high school basketball game in New Orleans.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Out of Town Visitors

This is a picture of Hamish sleeping while friends from out of town were visiting. (Courtesy of Tim H.)

Very Serious

This is Hamish sleeping on the floor in a very serious pose.

Floor Confusion

This is a picture of Hamish sleeping on the floor in a confusing manner.

At a Friend's Apartment

This is a picture of Hamish sleeping at a friend's apartment. (Courtesy of Matt G.)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

With a Friend

This is a picture of Hamish sleeping in the afternoon with a friend

Drunk and Dirty on a Train

This is a picture of Hamish sleeping while drunk and dirty on a train

Close Up

This is a close up of Hamish sleeping